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PRODORTH SPINE - We Celebrate Our 11th Anniversary!
DEAR CUSTOMERS, Today, we are proud to celebrate our 11th anniversary in the spinal implant industry, thanks to your unwavering support!...

Dear Valued Customers, Partners, and Colleagues 🔊 We are honoured to announce that today marks the 10th anniversary of our company, a...

MDR Transition Process (EU) 2023/607
PRODORTH SPINE - MDR Transition Process (EU) 2023/607

We are into green! - 2022
🌍 Our goal is to raise future generations with an environmentally conscious and greener world and today we have taken one more step towards

Prodorth Spine - Teamwork - 2022
🔍 What Is Body Language? Body language is the unspoken part of communication that we use to reveal our true feelings and to give our...

EU Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745 - MDR - 2022
📌 #MDR (2017/745) is a regulation on clinical research and sale of medical devices. The purpose of this regulation is to determine the...

Group Work & Team Coaching - 2022
Thanks to IGA, they started to help employees of Prodorth become more creative, focused and energised at work with motivational &...

We are into green! - 2022
Our goal is to raise future generations with an environmentally conscious and greener world, and today we have taken one more step...

Women in business life - Prodorth - 2022
Prodorth Spine has been providing employment with the idea of "women in business life", which contributes to the economic and social...

We will grow together! - 2021
On November 11th, as the Prodorth Family, we were on the field with our 300 tree donations. To plant a sapling is to give life to...

Kites of Prodorth are on sky. #prodorthteam #prodorthspine #team #spinehealth #workandplay #kite

Work Well & Have Fun Together!
Great weekend with PRODORTH SPINE #prodorthspine #spinecompany #prodorthteam #spinalimplants

High Quality
Our job is directly related with human. We unconditionally offer best for human.

Innovation makes the life better, we use different approaches for better solutions.

R&D is always inseparable part of PRODORTH , in our commercial name, either in our organization.

To create comfortable lives through pursuing the best technical solutions.

Customer Satisfaction
Prodorth began its journey with the principle of “Human First” and always proceed in this way.
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